In the world of baby names, few topics hold as much allure as angelic names. They resonate with parents seeking names with grace and divine connection and connect our little ones with powerful, protective forces from birth.
In this roundup of the most beautiful angelic baby names for both baby boys and baby girls, we’ll delve into their origins, meanings, and popularity, bridging the gap between heaven and earth.

Whether you’re looking for an angelic baby name steeped in religious tradition or one that carries heavenly charm, let us guide you through the wonders of baby names inspired by angels.

Angelic Names for Baby Boys:
1. Gabriel
Gabriel is one of the most popular angelic baby names. The Angel Gabriel is linked with various religions, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and is often depicted as a messenger of God.
The name is of Hebrew origin and means ‘God is my strength’. It’s a common boy name in the US right now, with over 4000 babies per million being given the name in 2022. It’s a name that’s sometimes used for little girls too, often with the spelling ‘Gabrielle’.
2. Raphael
Raphael is another angelic baby boy name of Hebrew origins. It means ‘God has healed’. In various religious texts, Raphael is depicted as an archangel who heals, protects, and guides.
3. Michael
Michael is a timeless angelic name with Hebrew origins. It means ‘Who is like God?’. Unsurprisingly, the name peaked in popularity in the states in the late 60s, when over 47000 babies per million were given the name. Whilst the name is much less popular in modern times, it’s still a common name. Over 4000 babies per million were given the name in America in 2022.

4. Uriel
Pronounced ‘YOR-IEL’, Uriel is an unusual angelic name that means ‘God is my light’.
5. Ariel
Pronounced ‘AIR-EE-EL’ or ‘AH-REE-EL’, Ariel is a powerful and evocative Hebrew name that means ‘lion of God.’ Often associated with strength, courage, and divine protection, Ariel appears in various religious texts as a symbolic figure of might and sanctuary. In biblical references, Ariel is also used as a poetic name for the city of Jerusalem, emphasizing its sacred and fortified nature.
This timeless name exudes both grace and strength, making it a meaningful choice for a child destined to grow with resilience and purpose.
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6. Seraphiel
Pronounced ‘SER-APH-EYE-EL’, this unusual Hebrew name means ‘burning one of God’. In various religious traditions, Seraphiel is depicted as one of the highest-ranking angels, associated with purity, divine light, and fiery love.

7. Cassiel
Cassiel is an angelic name that means ‘speed of God’.
8. Raguel
Raguel means ‘friend of God’ and is pronounced ‘RAR-GEL’.
Read More: 80 Beautiful Baby Names Meaning ‘Blessing from God’ and Their Origins
9. Zadkiel
Pronounced ‘ZAD-KEY-AL’, the uncommon name Zadkiel means ‘righteousness of God’. Zadkiel is regarded as an angelic name, mainly within Christian and Jewish traditions. The archangel Zadkiel is associated with mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. It’s such a rare angelic boy name in the US that there’s no data showing how many babies were given the name!
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10. Haniel
Haniel (think Daniel, but with a H!) means grace of God.

11. Jophiel
Jophiel is pronounced ‘JOH-FEE-EL’ and means ‘beauty of God. Like most of the names on this list, Jophiel has Hebrew origins.
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12. Azrael
Azrael is considered an angelic name due to its significance in various religions, particularly in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The name itself is derived from Hebrew and Arabic roots and means “helper of God”. It’s pronounced ‘AZ-RAY-EL’.
13. Remiel
Remiel is an angelic boy name that means ‘mercy of God’.
14. Sachiel
Pronounced ‘SAH-KEY-EL’, this angelic name means ‘covering of God’.
15. Barachiel
Barachiel means ‘blessing of God’ and is pronounced ‘BA-RAK-IEL’.

16. Raziel
Raziel means ‘secret of God’. In Judaism, Raziel is believed to be an archangel who serves as the keeper of divine secrets and mysteries.
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17. Zaphkiel
Zaphkiel – pronounced ‘ZAF-KEY-EL’ – means ‘knowledge of God’.
18. Sandalphon
Sandalphon is a highly unusual angelic boy name that means ‘brother’.
19. Ezekiel
Ezekiel is often shortened to Zeke and means ‘God will strengthen’. In the Hebrew Bible, Ezekiel is a major prophet who has visions and encounters with divine beings.
The name has exploded in popularity recently in the US. It wasn’t really used as a name until the early 1990s. Since then, it has increased in popularity exponentially. In 2022, over 3400 babies per million were given the name in America.
20. Nathanael
Nathanael means ‘gift of God’. It’s often spelled Nathaniel.
21. Jeremiel
Jeremiel is another angelic boy name with Hebrew origins. It means ‘God’s exaltation’.

22. Selaphiel
Selaphiel is an uncommon angelic name that means ‘prayer of God’.
23. Kemuel
Kemuel means ‘raised by God’, making it a wonderful choice for a religious family.
24. Galizur
Galizur is an unusual angelic name that means ‘wall of God’.
25. Harahel
Pronounced ‘HA-RA-HEL’, this Hebrew name means ‘mountain of God’.

26. Pahaliah
Pronounced ‘PA-HA-LEE-AH’, Pahaliah means ‘redeeming God’.
27. Raguel
Raguel – pronounced ‘RAG-EL’ is an angelic name that, in various religious traditions, is often associated with maintaining harmony and balance.
28. Kokabiel
Kokabiel means ‘star of God’.
29. Sealtiel
Sealtiel is pronounced ‘SEA-AL-TEE-EL’ and means ‘prayer of God’.
30. Suriel
Suriel is a Hebrew angelic name meaning ‘God’s command’.
Read More: 80 Beautiful Baby Names Meaning ‘Blessing from God’ and Their Origins
31. Tzadkiel
Pronounced ‘ZAD-KEY-EL’, this unusual angelic name means ‘righteousness of God’.

32. Yofiel
Yofiel means ‘beauty of God’.
33. Azriel
Azriel is an angelic boy name that means ‘help of God’.
34. Muriel
Muriel means ‘God’s perfume’.
35. Abdiel
Abdiel means ‘servant of God’, making this angelic boy name a great choice for religious families.

36. Samael
Samael is an angelic boy name that means ‘God has heard’.
37. Camael
Camael means ‘one who sees God’.
38. Zachariel
Zachariel is often shortened to Zachary or Zach. It means ‘memory of God’.
39. Chamuel
Chamuel is an angelic boy name that means ‘he who seeks God’.
40. Harut
Harut is an Arabic angel-inspired name that means ‘angel’. The name is linked to angels in Islamic tradition through the story of Harut and Marut, who were sent to earth by God to test humanity’s faith, but were tempted themselves. This tale warns against succumbing to temptation.

41. Lahabiel
Lahabiel means ‘flame of God’.
42. Mumiah
Pronounced ‘MUM-EYE-AH’, this Hebrew angelic name means ‘generosity of God’.
43. Nisroc
Nisroc is an unusual angelic name that means ‘eagle’.
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44. Omael
Omael means ‘word of God’.
45. Peliel
Peliel is an angelic boy name that means ‘wonder of God’.
46. Quabriel
Quabriel is a highly unusual Hebrew name that means ‘rest of God’.
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47. Ramiel
Ramiel is a unique angelic name that means ‘thunder of God’.
48. Shamsiel
Shamsiel means ‘sun of God’, a great choice for your little shining star!

49. Vretil
Vretil is a highly unusual name that means ‘reversal of God’.
Angelic Names for Baby Girls:
50. Seraphina
Seraphina is an angelic baby girl name that means ‘fiery’. The name is linked with divine beings as it has roots in the Hebrew word “seraphim”: the highest order of angels in Christian theology.
It shot up in popularity after Ben Affleck and Jeniffer Garner named their daughter Seraphina. This elegant name is still highly unusual though, with only around 150 babies per million being given the name in the US in 2023.

51. Gabriella
Gabriella is another beautiful angelic baby girl name, meaning ‘woman of God’. Derived from the Hebrew Gabriel, the angel Gabriel plays an important role in Judeo-Christian traditions as the messenger of God.
The name was at its most popular in the US back in 2010, when over 3400 babies per million were given the name. But it remains popular today, with over 1750 babies per million given the name in 2022.
52. Raphaela
Raphaela is the feminine version of Raphael and means ‘God has healed’. It’s a very rare angelic name for girls.
53. Michaela
Michaela – pronounced ‘MIK-AY-LA’ – is a Hebrew name meaning ‘Who is like God?’. It’s the feminine form of Micahel. The name was at its most popular in the US in 1997, and its popularity has declined since. It’s a pretty rare name for babies in modern times, with only around 300 babies per million being given the name in 22022 in America.

54. Ariel
Ariel is a beautiful angelic baby girl name that means ‘lioness of God’. Ariel is often considered an angelic name due to links with angels in certain religious and cultural contexts. In some interpretations of Jewish mysticism, Ariel is an angel associated with protection, healing, and restoration. Around 800 babies per million were given the name in the US in 2022.
The name is also a popular baby girl name inspired by the ocean – thanks to Disney!
55. Uriella
Uriella is an unusual angelic name that means ‘light of God’.
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56. Cassia
Cassia is a Hebrew angel name that means ‘pure’.
57. Razia
Razia is an unusual angelic name for girls that means ‘secret of God’.
58. Zadie
Zadie is an elegant Hebrew name that means ‘princess’.

59. Hana
Hana is a Japanese name that means ‘flower’.
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60. Jovana
Jovana is an unusual angelic name that means ‘God is gracious’. Jovana is the feminine version of ‘Jovian’, derived from Jove – another name for Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods. Jupiter was often associated with protection and kindness, qualities attributed to angels.
61. Azura
Azura is a Hebrew angelic name that means ‘sky blue’.
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62. Metara
Metara is a Hebrew baby girl name that means ‘guardian angel’.

63. Ramiella
Pronounced ‘RAM-EE-ELLA’, Ramiella is an angelic name meaning ‘thunder of God’.
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64. Sariel
Sariel is a Hebrew angelic name meaning ‘princess of God’. Sariel is regarded as an angelic name due to its links with various religious and mystical traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism. Sariel is often depicted as an archangel associated with protection and guidance.
65. Samara
Samar means ‘protected by God’, the perfect choice for a religious family looking for a beautiful angelic baby name.
66. Tzofiya
Tzofiya – pronounced like Sophia – means ‘watched over by God’, a lovely meaning to pass on to a new baby girl.

67. Zophia
Zophia is another variation of Sophia, meaning wisdom.
68. Selene
Selene is a Greek name that means ‘moon’. It’s a pretty unusual angelic name, with only around 250 babies per million being given the name in America in 2022.
69. Evangeline
Evangeline is a Greek name that means ‘bearer of good news’.
70. Nathalia
Pronounced ‘NA-TAL-IA’, this Latin name means ‘Christmas Day’. Nathalia is the feminine form of Nathanael, which means “gift of God” in Hebrew. In religious contexts, angels are often regarded as messengers or gifts from the divine world, hence the link between Nathalia and the angel world.

71. Jeremina
Jeremina is a Hebrew name that means ‘God will uplift’.
72. Galia
Galia is a Hebrew angelic name that means ‘wave’.
73. Eliana
Eliana is an unusual angelic name that means ‘God has answered’.
74. Haruna
Haruna is a name with Japanese origins that means ‘spring flower’.
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75. Pahalia
Pahalia is an uncommon angelic name that means ‘redeemed by God’.
76. Kokabel
Kokabel is a unique angelic girl name that means ‘star of God’.
77. Nariel
Nariel is a Hebrew name that means ‘God’s candle’.
78. Abrielle
Abrielle is an unusual angelic name that means ‘God is my strength’.
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79. Samaela
Pronounced SAM-EYE-ELA’, this beautiful angelic girl name means ‘God has heard’.
80. Tzafira
Pronounced ‘ZA-FIA-RA’, this uncommon angelic name means ‘morning star’.

81. Yolanda
Yolanda has Greek origins and means ‘violet flower’.
82. Azariah
Azariah is an angelic name with Hebrew origins, meaning “God has helped”. The name Azariah suggests a connection to divine intervention, giving it an angelic aura. It’s pronounced ‘A-ZAR-EE-AH’.
83. Mamre
Mamre is a Hebrew name that means ‘strength’. Pronounced ‘MOM-RAY’, this unusual name makes a beautiful angel name for a little girl.
84. Pelagia
Pelagia is pronounced ‘PELL-AG-IA’ and is a Greek angelic name that means ‘of the sea’.

85. Azaiah
Azaiah – pronounced ‘AH-ZAY-AH’ – means ‘strength of God’.
86. Shamira
Sharmia is a Hebrew name that means ‘protected by God’ – a great sentiment to pass on to a new bundle of joy!
87. Vania
Vania – pronounced ‘VAR-NIA’ – means ‘God’s gift’. It’s a highly unusual angelic name in the US.
88. Chiara
Pronounced ‘KIA-RA’, this Italian name means ‘bright and clear’. The name made it to the list as angels are associated with light and purity.
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89. Imara
Imara is a name of Swahili origin that means ‘strong and resolute’.

90. Aisha
Aisha is an Arabic name that means ‘alive’. It’s one of the most popular names on this list in the US, with over 400 babies per million given the name in 2022.
91. Laila
Laila is another Arabic angel name that means ‘night’. It’s a pretty popular name in the US, with over 600 babies per million being given the name in 2022.
92. Nuriel
Nuriel is an unusual angelic name that means ‘God’s light’.
93. Oriana
Oriana is a beautiful angel name from Latin origins. It means ‘sunrise’, the perfect name for a brand new baby girl in the family.

94. Talia
Talia is a Hebrew name with a beautiful meaning: ‘Gentle dew from God’. It’s another pretty popular angel name in the US, with over 600 babies per million being given the name in 2022.
95. Angelica
Angelica is an elegant angel name that means ‘messenger of God’.
This name was at the height of popularity in the US in 1997, when nearly 2000 babies per million were given the name. In 2022 in America, around 275 babies per million were given the name.
96. Serenity
Serenity is a beautiful angel name with Latin origins. It means ‘calm’ and ‘tranquil’.
97. Nirvana
Nirvana has Sanskrit origins and means ‘peace’.
98. Solara
Solara is an unusual Latin name that means ‘sun’.

99. Celestine
Celestine – often shortened to Celeste – is a Latin name that means ‘heavenly’. It’s a wonderful angelic choice for a brand new little girl!
100. Elowen
Elowen is an angelic-sounding name that means ‘elm tree’. It has origins in Cornwall, a region of England steeped in history and folklore.
Selecting the perfect name for your little bundle of joy is a big decision. With so many beautiful, elegant and meaningful names on this list, it’s no wonder that angel names are becoming more and more popular with families across the world.

Whether your family has religious persuasions or not, an angelic boy name or girl name can pass on meaningful sentiments to your baby: protection, kindness and love.
If you’re still looking for inspiration, be sure to check out our roundup of the top baby names that mean ‘soul’, the best ocean-inspired names and the top baby names that mean ‘forgotten’.