When choosing a name for a new baby boy in the family, many parents look for names that reflect qualities they value. And two of the most important qualities to many are love and strength.
A name that symbolizes both love and strength can serve as a powerful foundation for a new bundle of joy.
And in many cultures, names serve as a connection to values, history, and family heritage. In Hebrew culture, names are believed to influence a person’s identity and destiny, with names like ‘Ethan’ meaning strength and ‘David’ meaning beloved being popular. And in ancient Greek culture, names that represented ‘strength’ were tied to the heroic figures of mythology, while names that symbolized love reflected godly affection.
So let’s explore the top 50 boy names from a wide range of cultural backgrounds that reflect these powerful qualities, offering inspiration for parents seeking a boy name that blends love and strength.

Top Baby Boy Names That Mean Love and Strength
1. Ethan
Meaning: Strong, firm
Origin: Hebrew
Ethan is a popular name for boys in the US that means ‘strong’ and ‘firm’. It has Hebrew origins.
2. David
Meaning: Beloved
Origin: Hebrew
David is another classic name for boys that has Hebrew origins. This traditional name means ‘beloved’.
3. Leo
Meaning: Lion, symbol of strength
Origin: Latin
Leo is a wonderful choice if you’re looking for a boy name that means ‘strength’. Leo means lion, the most powerful in the animal Kingdom! The name has Latin origins.
4. Amory
Meaning: Brave, powerful
Origin: German
Amory is an unusual name for boys that means ‘brave’ and ‘powerful’. It has German origins.

5. Conall
Meaning: Strong wolf
Origin: Irish
Conall means ‘strong wolf’ and has Irish origins. It’s an unusual name for boys in the US.
Read Next: Discover 20 Classic and Charming Irish Names for Boys
6. Andrew
Meaning: Manly, strong
Origin: Greek
Andrew is a traditional name for boys with Greek origins. It means ‘manly’ and ‘strong’.
7. Aziz
Meaning: Beloved, powerful
Origin: Arabic
Aziz – pronounced ‘AZ-EEZ’ – means ‘beloved’ and ‘powerful’, embodying both values of ‘love’ and ‘strength’. The name has Arabic origins.
8. Valentine
Meaning: Strong, healthy
Origin: Latin
Valentine is a romantic boy name that means ‘strong’ and ‘healthy’. It has Latin origins.
9. Angus
Meaning: One strength
Origin: Scottish Gaelic
Angus is a classic Scottish name that means ‘one strength’.
10. Kenzo
Meaning: Strong, healthy
Origin: Japanese
Kenzo is a Japanese name that means ‘strong’ and ‘healthy’. It’s a very unique name in the US!
Read Next: The Top Exceptional and Unique Baby Names for Your Little Boy or Girl
11. Thaddeus
Meaning: Heart, courageous
Origin: Aramaic
Thaddeus is an uncommon name that means ‘heart’ and ‘courageous’, symbolizing both strength and love! The name has Aramaic origins, a language that originated in the country of Syria.
12. Amandus
Meaning: Worthy of love
Origin: Latin
Amandus has Latin origins and means ‘worthy of love’.

13. Everett
Meaning: Brave, strong
Origin: German
Everett is a German name that means ‘brave’ and ‘strong’ – wonderful qualities to pass on to a little one!
14. Doran
Meaning: Gift, strong
Origin: Irish
Doran is an Irish name that means ‘gift’ and ‘strong’.
Read Next: 20 Unforgettable and Unique Irish Boy Names with Deep Meaning
15. Milo
Meaning: Soldier, merciful
Origin: Germanic
Milo means ‘soldier’, symbolizing strength. It has German origins.
16. Kendrick
Meaning: Royal power
Origin: English
Kendrick is a name with English roots that means ‘royal power’. It’s the perfect name for a little Prince in the family!

17. Hartman
Meaning: Strong man
Origin: German
Hartman is an unusual name for boys with German origins. It means ‘strong man’.
18. Nolan
Meaning: Noble, strong
Origin: Irish
Nolan means ‘noble’ and ‘strong’ and has Irish origins.
19. Philip
Meaning: Lover of horses
Origin: Greek
Philip is a name with Greek origins. It means ‘lover of horses’. It’s a very traditional name for boys.
20. Barrett
Meaning: Strength of a bear
Origin: German
Barrett means ‘strength of a bear’ and has German roots.
21. Gabriel
Meaning: God is my strength
Origin: Hebrew
Gabriel is a romantic name for boys that means ‘God is my strength’. It has Hebrew origins.
Read Next: Baby Names That Mean Soul: Discovering Deeply Meaningful Names for Your Child
22. Bernard
Meaning: Brave as a bear
Origin: German
Bernard is a classic boy’s name that means ‘brave as a bear’. It has German roots.
23. Abelardo
Meaning: Noble strength
Origin: Spanish
Abelardo is a Spanish name that means ‘noble strength’ – perfect for little Princes.
24. Amias
Meaning: Loved
Origin: Latin
Amias has Latin origins and means ‘loved’ – perfect if you’re looking for a boy name that symbolizes ‘love’.
25. Fortino
Meaning: Strong, steadfast
Origin: Spanish
Fortino is an unusual name in the US that has Spanish roots. It means ‘strong’ and ‘steadfast’.
Read Next: 100 Beautiful Latina Baby Names for Boys and Girls with Deep Meanings
26. Emrys
Meaning: Immortal, strong
Origin: Welsh
Emrys is a Welsh name for boys that means ‘immortal’ and ‘strong’.
27. Hartley
Meaning: Deer meadow, strong
Origin: English
Hartley means ‘deer meadow’ and ‘strong’ and has English origins. It’s a very uncommon name for boys that has a beautiful meaning!
28. Griffin
Meaning: Strong lord
Origin: Welsh
Griffin is a Welsh name that means ‘strong lord’.
29. Roderick
Meaning: Famous ruler, strong
Origin: Germanic
Roderick has German roots and means both ‘famous ruler’ and ‘strong’.
30. Andreas
Meaning: Manly, brave
Origin: Greek
Andreas has Greek origins and means ‘manly’ and ‘brave’, embodying strength.

31. Ambrose
Meaning: Immortal, strong
Origin: Greek
Ambrose is a Greek name that’s very unique in the US. This unusual boy name means ‘immortal’ – a wonderful meaning to pass on to a new baby!
32. Amadeus
Meaning: Love of God
Origin: Latin
Amadeus means ‘love of God’. It has Latin origins and is pronounced ‘AH-MAH-DAY-UHS’.
33. Oz
Meaning: Strength
Origin: Hebrew
Oz is a unique name that means ‘strength’. It has Hebrew origins.
34. Isamu
Meaning: Courage, bravery
Origin: Japanese
Isamu is a very rare name in the US that has Japanese origins. It means both ‘courage’ and ‘bravery’.
35. Eros
Meaning: Love
Origin: Greek
Eros means ‘love’ and has Greek roots.
36. Jedrek
Meaning: Strong man
Origin: Polish
Jedrek means ‘strong man’, making it a great choice for families searching for boy names that mean ‘strength’. It has Polish origins.
37. Aidan
Meaning: Little fire, strong
Origin: Irish
Aidan is an Irish name with a wonderful meaning: ‘little fire’.
38. Asim
Meaning: Protector, strong
Origin: Arabic
Asim is an Arabic name for boys that means ‘protector’.

39. Khalil
Meaning: Friend, beloved
Origin: Arabic
Khalil is an Arabic name for boys that means ‘friend’ and ‘beloved’, embodying love and care. It’s pronounced ‘KAH-LEEL’.
40. Valerio
Meaning: Strong, healthy
Origin: Latin
Valerio is a strong Latin name that means both ‘strength’ and ‘healthy’.
41. Tristan
Meaning: Strength
Origin: Welsh
Tristan is a popular name in the US that has Welsh origins. It means ‘strength’.
42. Eitan
Meaning: Firm, strong
Origin: Hebrew
Pronounced ‘AY-TAHN’, this Hebrew name for boys means ‘firm and strong’.
43. Leon
Meaning: Lion, brave
Origin: Greek
Leon, like Leo, means ‘lion’ and ‘brave’. It has Greek origins.
44. Kwan
Meaning: Strong, powerful
Origin: Korean
Kwan is a Korean boy’s name that means ‘strong’ and ‘powerful’.
45. Lev
Meaning: Heart, love
Origin: Hebrew
Lev is a unique name for boys that means ‘heart’ and ‘love’. It has Hebrew origins.
46. Rhys
Meaning: Enthusiasm, passion
Origin: Welsh
Rhys is pronounced ‘REES’ and means ‘enthusiasm’ and ‘passion’, symbolizing love. It has Welsh origins.
47. Amado
Meaning: Loved
Origin: Spanish
Amado is a romantic Spanish name that means ‘loved’.

48. Caradoc
Meaning: Beloved
Origin: Welsh
Caradoc is an unusual name in the US that has Welsh origins. It has a beautiful meaning: ‘beloved’. This unique name is pronounced ‘KAH-RAH-DOCH’.
49. Prem
Meaning: Love
Origin: Sanskrit
Prem is a name with Sanskrit origins. It means ‘love’.
50. Agapios
Meaning: Divine love
Origin: Greek
This name is pronounced ‘AG-AP-EE-OSE’ and has Greek origins.
Choosing a name that embodies both love and strength can lay a strong foundation for a baby boy’s future. Across many cultures, from Hebrew to Greek, names have long served as a link to heritage, values, and personal identity. Whether you draw inspiration from ancient traditions or modern influences, names that reflect love and strength can inspire a sense of compassion and resilience in a child as they grow.
And if you’re still looking for inspiration for a new baby boy in the family, don’t miss our roundup of the top meaningful names, angelic names and names that mean ‘soul’.