Choosing the perfect name for your brand new baby is an exciting journey – and just one one of many during pregnancy! Latina baby names are becoming more and more popular with parents all over the world, and it’s no surprise. Latina baby names are filled with heritage, grace and beautiful meanings.
Whether you’re searching for a name that honors your Hispanic roots or simply appreciate the beauty of Latina names, our handpicked list of 100 Latina baby names for boys and girls will inspire you. From timeless classics like Isabella and Alejandro to distinctive gems like Ximena and Thiago, let’s explore the meanings behind these elegant and distinctive Latina names.
Top 50 Latina names for girls
1. Alejandra
Meaning: Defender of mankind
Pronounced ‘AH-LAY-ANJRA’, this beautiful Latina name means ‘defedner of mankind’.
2. Bianca
Meaning: White, pure
Bianca means ‘white’ and ‘pure’ – it’s a classic Latina name for girls.
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3. Camila
Meaning: Attendant at a religious ceremony
Camila is an elegant girls’ name that means ‘attendant at a religious ceremony’. It’s pronounced ‘CAH-MEE-YAH’.

4. Dulce
Meaning: Sweet
Dulce is the most adorable Latina name. It means ‘sweet’ and is pronounced ‘DUL-CHAY’.
5. Elena
Meaning: Shining light
Elena is a stunning girl name that has a beautiful meaning: ‘shining light’. It’s perfect for a brand new baby girl in the family!
Read Next: 30 Baby Names That Mean ‘Light’: Illuminating Choices for Your Little One
6. Fernanda
Meaning: Adventurous, bold journey
Fernanda is a Latina name for girls that means ‘adventurous’.
7. Gabriela
Meaning: God is my strength
Gabriela means ‘God is my strength’.
8. Isabella
Meaning: Devoted to God
Isabella is a beautiful name that’s pretty popular in the US right now. It means ‘devoted to God’.
9. Julieta
Meaning: Youthful, downy
Julieta means ‘youthful’. It’s an unusual name for girls that works at all stages of life!
10. Luciana
Meaning: Light
Luciana – which could be shortened to ‘Lucy’ – has a beautiful meaning: light. Check out more baby names that mean ‘light’ here!
11. Mariana
Meaning: Star of the sea
Mariana means ‘star of the sea’ and makes a beautiful Latina name that’s also inspired by the ocean. Click here for more elegant ocean-inspired names.

12. Natalia
Meaning: Born on Christmas day
Natalia means ‘born on Christmas day’, so it’s perfect for December babies!
13. Olivia
Meaning: Olive tree
Olivia is a beautiful nature name that means ‘olive tree’.
14. Patricia
Meaning: Noble
Patricia is a Latina name that means ‘noble’.
15. Raquel
Meaning: Ewe, female sheep
Pronounced ‘RAK-EL’, this unusual Latina name means ‘female sheep’.
16. Sofia
Meaning: Wisdom
Sofia is a popular name in the US that means ‘wisdom’.
17. Teresa
Meaning: Harvester
Teresa is a traditional name that means ‘harvester’.
18. Valentina
Meaning: Strong, healthy
Valentina is a loving name that means ‘strong’ and ‘healthy’.
19. Yolanda
Meaning: Violet flower
Yolanda is another nature-inspired name that means ‘violet flower’.
20. Zara
Meaning: Princess, flower
Zara is a modern and trendy Latina name that means ‘princess’.

21. Ana
Meaning: Gracious, full of grace
Ana – pronounced ‘AR-NA’ – means ‘gracious’.
22. Belén
Meaning: Bethlehem
Belén is the perfect girl name for a religious family. It means ‘Bethlehem’.
23. Clara
Meaning: Bright, clear
Clara is a name inspired by light. It means ‘bright’ and ‘clear’.

24. Daniela
Meaning: God is my judge
Daniela is another name that’s perfect for a religious family; it means ‘God is my judge’.
25. Esmeralda
Meaning: Emerald
Meaning ‘emerald’, Esmerelda is a Latina name that’s unusual in the US.
Read Next: The Top Exceptional and Unique Baby Names for Your Little Boy or Girl
26. Flora
Meaning: Flower
Flora is a beautiful nature name that means ‘flower’.
27. Graciela
Meaning: Grace
Pronounced ‘GRAS-EE-ELA’, this unique girl name means ‘grace’.
28. Helena
Meaning: Light, torch
Meaning light, Helena is an elegant Latina name that’s pronounced ‘HEL-AY-NAH’.

29. Inés
Meaning: Pure, holy
Pronounced ‘IN-EZ’, Inés means ‘pure’ and ‘holy’. Superstar couple Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds gave their daughter a similar name – Ines. So if it’s good enough for them…
30. Jimena
Meaning: Listener
Jimena is an unusual girl name that means ‘listener’.
31. Karina
Meaning: Pure
Karina means ‘pure’ and is an elegant Latina name.
32. Luz
Meaning: Light
Prounounced ‘LUZE’, this unusual name means ‘light’, like so many names on this list!
33. Marta
Meaning: Lady, mistress
Marta is a classic Latina name that means ‘lady’.
34. Nina
Meaning: Little girl
Nina is a beautiful girls’ name that means, funnily enough, ‘little girl’!
35. Ornella
Meaning: Flowering ash tree
Ornella is an unusual name with links to nature; it means ‘flowering ash tree’.

36. Paloma
Meaning: Dove
Meaning ‘dove’, Paloma is a stunning Latina name that’s unusual in the US. It’s another Latina name that’s also a beautiful nature name.
37. Rosa
Meaning: Rose
Rosa, meaning ‘rose’, is a classic Latina name for girls that will stand the test of time!
38. Silvia
Meaning: From the forest
Silvia is another classic Latina name. It means ‘from the forest’.
39. Tania
Meaning: Fairy queen
Tania is a magical Latina name that means ‘fairy queen’.
40. Ursula

Meaning: Little bear
Ursula is an unusual name for girls with an adorable meaning: ‘little bear’.
41. Verónica
Meaning: She who brings victory
Verónica means ‘she who brings victory’. It’s a name with a wonderful meaning for a brand new baby girl in the family.
42. Ximena
Meaning: Hearkening, listener
Ximena – pronounced ‘HI-MAY-NAH’ – is an unusual name in the US that means ‘listener’.
43. Yara
Meaning: Small butterfly
Yara is another Latina name with nature connections. It means ‘small butterfly’.
44. Zoe
Meaning: Life
Zoe means ‘life’. It’s a Latina name for girls with a beautiful meaning – perfect for a brand new baby girl in the family!
45. Andrea
Meaning: Manly, brave
Andrea is a Latina girl name that means ‘brave’.
46. Briana
Meaning: Strong, virtuous
Briana is often shortened to ‘Bri’. It has a wonderful meaning for a little girl: ‘strong’ and ‘virtuous’.
47. Carmen
Meaning: Garden, song
Carmen is a Latina name for girls that means ‘garden’.

48. Diana
Meaning: Divine, goddesslike
Meaning ‘divine’, Diana is an elegant choice for little girls. It even has royal connections!
49. Eva
Meaning: Life, living one
Eva is a classic Latina name that will stand the test of time. It means ‘life’.
50. Frida
Meaning: Peaceful ruler
Frida is another classic Latina name for girls. It means ‘peaceful ruler’ – a wonderful sentiment to pass on to a brand new little baby.
Top 50 Latina names for boys
51. Alejandro
Meaning: Defender of mankind
Alejandro is the masculine version of ‘Alejandra’. It’s a classic Latina name for boys that means ‘defender of mankind’.
52. Benjamín
Meaning: Son of the right hand
Benjamín means ‘son of the right hand’.
53. Carlos
Meaning: Free man
Carlos is a popular Latina name for boys. It means ‘free man’.
54. Diego
Meaning: Successor
Diego – pronounced ‘DEE-AY-GO’ – is a classic Latina boy name that means ‘successor’.
55. Emilio
Meaning: Rival
Emilion is a super cute name for a little boy. It means ‘rival.
56. Fernando
Meaning: Adventurous, bold journey
Fernando has a wonderful meaning: ‘adventurous’. It’s a great and classic option for a little boy.

57. Gabriel
Meaning: God is my strength
Gabriel is a great choice for religious families. The name means ‘God is my strength’.
58. Héctor
Meaning: Holding fast
Héctor is a traditional Latina name for boys that means ‘holding fast’.
59. Ignacio
Meaning: Fiery
Ignacio is an unusual name with an interesting meaning – ‘fiery’!
60. Javier
Meaning: New house
Javier – pronounced ‘HA-VEE-AY’ – means ‘new house’.
61. Luis
Meaning: Famous warrior
Pronounced ‘LU-WEE’, this adorable Latina boy name means ‘famous warrior’.
62. Manuel
Meaning: God is with us
Manuel is is another classic Latina name. It means ‘God is with us’, so it’s great for religious families.
63. Nicolás
Meaning: Victory of the people
Nicolás means ‘victory of the people’. It’s a great choice for a future leader!
64. Oscar
Meaning: Divine spear
Oscar means ‘divine spear’.
65. Pablo
Meaning: Small, humble
Pablo means ‘small’ and ‘humble’ and is a traditional Latina name.
66. Rafael
Meaning: God has healed
Pronounced ‘RAF-EYE-EL’, this Latina name for boys means ‘God has healed’.
67. Santiago
Meaning: Saint James
Santiago is a traditional Latina name for boys that means ‘Saint James’.

68. Tomás
Meaning: Twin
Tomás is a cute Latina name for boys. It means ‘twin’.
69. Ulises
Meaning: Warrior
Ulises is an unusual name for boys that means ‘warrior’.
70. Vicente
Meaning: Conquering
Vicente is pronounced ‘VAH-SEN-TAY’. It means ‘conquering’.
71. Álvaro
Meaning: Guardian
Álvaro means ‘guardian’.
72. Bruno
Meaning: Brown
Bruno is an uncommon Latina name that means ‘brown’.
73. César
Meaning: Long-haired
César is an uncommon name in the US that means ‘long-haired’.
74. David
Meaning: Beloved
David is a classic name that means ‘beloved’ – a beautiful meaning to pass on to a brand new baby boy in the family!
75. Enrique
Meaning: Home ruler
Enrique is pronounced ‘ON-REE-KAY’ and means ‘home ruler’.
76. Francisco
Meaning: Free man
Meaning ‘free man’, Francisco is a classic Latina name for boys.
77. Guillermo
Meaning: Resolute protector
Pronounced ‘GEE-YAIR-MOH’, this traditional Latina name means ‘resolute protector’.
78. Hugo
Meaning: Mind, intellect
Hugo means ‘mind’ and ‘intellect’.
79. Iván
Meaning: God is gracious
Iván is pronounced ‘EYE-VUN’ and means ‘God is gracious’, so it’s great for families with religious backgrounds.
80. Joaquín
Meaning: God will judge
Joaquin is a commonly mispronounced name with Latina origins. It’s actually pronounced ‘WAH-KEEN’ and makes a great and unusual choice for a baby boy!
81. Kevin
Meaning: Handsome, kind
Kevin is a traditional boy name that means ‘handsome’.
82. Leonardo
Meaning: Brave lion
Leonardo is often shortened to Leo and means ‘brave lion’. Perfect for new cubs in the family!
83. Miguel
Meaning: Who is like God?
Miguel is pronounced ‘MI-GEL’ and means ‘Who is like God?’.
84. Noé

Meaning: Rest, comfort
Pronounced ‘NO-AY’, this unusual boy’s name means ‘rest’.
85. Orlando
Meaning: Famous throughout the land
Orlando means ‘famous throughout the land’. It’s a pretty uncommon name for boys in the US.
86. Pedro
Meaning: Rock
Pedro is a name for boys with a solid meaning: ‘rock’!
87. Raúl
Meaning: Wise wolf
Pronounced ‘RAH-OOL’, this Latina name means ‘wise wolf’.
88. Sebastián
Meaning: Revered
Meaning ‘revered’, Sebastián is an adorable name that can be shortened to ‘Seb’.
89. Thiago
Meaning: May God protect
Pronounced ‘TEE-AH-GO’, this classic Latina name for bous means ‘May God protect’.
90. Uriel
Meaning: God is my light
Uriel means ‘God is my light’.
91. Valentín
Meaning: Strong, healthy
Valentín – pronounced ‘VAL-UN-TEEN’ – means ‘strong’ and healthy’. It’s a lovely meaning to pass on to a brand new little boy!
92. Wilfredo
Meaning: Desiring peace
Wilfredo is an unusual name for boys that means ‘desiring peace’. It’s pronounced ‘WIL-FRAY-DOH’.
93. Xavier
Meaning: New house
Pronounced ‘HAH-VEE-AY’, this Latina name for boys means ‘new house’.
94. Yago
Meaning: Supplanter
Yago means ‘supplanter’.
95. Zacarías
Meaning: God remembers
Pronounced ‘ZAK-AR-EE-AS’, this unusual name for boys means ‘God remember’.
96. Adrián
Meaning: From Hadria
Adrián is pronounced ‘AH-DREE-AHN’ and means ‘from Hadria’. It comes from a city in Italy known today as ‘Adria’.
97. Baltasar
Meaning: Protected by God
Baltasar is pronounced ‘BAL-TAH-ZAR’ and means ‘protected by God’.
98. Camilo
Meaning: Attendant at a religious ceremony
Camilo means ‘attendant at a religious ceremony’. It’s pronounced ‘CAH-ME-OH’ and is a classic Latina name for little boys.
99. Damián
Meaning: Tamer
Pronounced ‘DAH-ME-AHN’, this Latin name for boys means ‘tamer’.
100. Esteban
Meaning: Crowned
Esteban is a classic Latina name that means ‘crowned’.
The 100 stunning Latina baby names for both boys and girls on this list offer plenty of inspiration for your brand new baby! Whether you’re looking for a classic Latina name like Sofia or Gabriel or something more uncommon like Ximena or Ulises, you’re sure to find a name in this list that’s perfect for your little one.

But if you’re looking for even more inspiration, check out our roundup of the top nature names, the most unique names and beautiful names that mean light.
Happy name hunting, and congratulations from our families to yours! ????