36 Baby Names That Mean Soul: Discovering Deeply Meaningful Names for Your Child

Naming your little one is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. It’s more than just a word – a name carries symbols, identities and meanings that leave a lasting legacy. One meaning that’s very profound when it comes to baby names is ‘soul’. 

In this roundup, we’ll explore the top baby names that mean ‘soul’ or are linked to the soul, and take a closer look at their origins and links to culture. 

Unique Baby Names that mean Soul

The ‘Soul’ in Different Cultures

The soul is the subject of many philosophical conversations and its existence carries deep meaning for many individuals.

It’s often regarded as the eternal part of every human being – the gateway to our true selves.

In ancient Egyptian culture, the soul was believed to live on after death and in many Eastern philosophies, it’s the core of spiritual and existential existence.

The complex and profound thoughts and beliefs around the soul can be seen in many naming traditions all over the globe.

Name Origins and Their Meanings

Names that signify or are linked to the ‘soul’ come from a wide range of linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

For example, the Greek ‘Psyche’, directly translates to soul. In Sanskrit, the name ‘Atman’ refers to the innermost spirit or soul. And in many societies, names mean so much more; they are blessings, gifts, prayers, or hopes for the little one’s future. 

Soul-inspired names are often gifted to children to give them a better chance of a life full of depth, spirituality and understanding.

People in history or literature with names that mean or are linked to the soul often provide profound insights on life.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Soul

Meaning ‘soul’, Anima has Latin origins and is a name with rich spiritual significance. It’s often linked with the inner self when spoken about in a philosophical context.

an angel with red hair sleeping peacefully among red tulips
  • Origin: Latin and Spanish
  • Meaning: Soul

Popular in a wide range of cultures, Alma means ‘soul’ in Spanish. It has an elegant, serene vibe.

  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Soul or Consciousness

Chetana has Sanskrit origins and means ‘consciousness’ or ‘soul’.

  • Origin: Welsh
  • Meaning: Soul or Life

Enid is the perfect name for book lovers. Inspired by one of the most famous children’s authors, Enid Blyton, this classic name is derived from an old Welsh word that means ‘life’ or ‘soul’. A timeless name that’s perfect for all stages of life!  

  • Origin: French
  • Meaning: Alive

Vivienne is a truly elegant name. A French variation of Vivian, it means ‘alive’ and is a timeless classic.

a little girl looking at her ancestors
  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Wise

Meaning ‘wise’, Sage is a modern, nature-inspired name that we love for a little girl. It’s linked with deep and soulful wisdom, just like mother nature.

Read Next: Baby Names Inspired by the Nature for Boys and Girls

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Alive

Vivian is an unusual name, despite being incredibly popular in the early 1900s. But it remains a classic. It’s derived from the Latin for ‘alive’ – a truly timeless name that captures the soul’s power. 

Joyful Girl in Lavender Field
  • Origin: Scandinavian
  • Meaning: ‘war fortress’

This unusual and beautiful Scandinavian name means ‘war fortress’. It embodies strength, protection and the power of the soul.  

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  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Immortality

Pronounced ‘JI-VA’, Jiva has Sanskrit origins and, in Indian philosophy, it’s linked to immortality. It’s no wonder it’s a popular name with spiritual parents.

a beautiful girl with flowers
  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Rain

Reviva speaks to the nourishment and rejuvenation of the soul. Meaning ‘rain’, it’s a great name for parents who value spirituality and the power of nature. 

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  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Lion of God

Meaning ‘lion of God’, Ariel is considered a gender neutral name, but we love it for a girl. It has a soulful vibe and is a very unusual name, despite the popularity of the Disney character!

  • Origin: Scottish
  • Meaning: Limitless Soul

Another nature-inspired name on the list, Skye is a Scottish name linked with the limitless soul. Whilst it’s sometimes considered a gender neutral name, we love it for baby girls. It’s a modern name that suggests limitless possibilities!

Read More: 80 Beautiful Baby Names Meaning ‘Blessing from God’ and Their Origins

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God is my light

Eliora is a highly unusual name of Hebrew origins that means ‘God is my light’. It’s a modern name linked with soulful and spiritual depth, the perfect name for the baby girl of spiritual or religious parents.  

a girl reaching for the star
  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: ‘To Breathe’ or ‘To Live’

Eva is another timeless classic that has Hebrew origins. It means ‘to breathe’ or ‘to live’, embodying the essence of life and soul. It works for all life stages. 

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Spring, Fresh, and Dewy

The lively name Aviva has Hebrew origins and is linked to ‘spring’, ‘fresh’, and ‘dewy’. It symbolizes the soul’s renewal and ever-lasting life.

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Life

Zoe – or Zoey – means ‘life’. This modern, Greek name represents the vitality and soul of being.

  • Origin: Arabic
  • Meaning: Living or Soulful

With its roots in Arabic, Aisha means ‘living’ or ‘soulful’. It’s been a popular name for centuries, and we think it will continue to be popular with parents all over the world!

a peaceful sleeping newborn baby
  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Living or Life

Chaya – pronounced CHI-YA – is a name with Hebrew origins. Meaning ‘life’ or ‘living’, Chaya echoes with the vibrancy and vitality of the soul.

  • Origin: Arabic
  • Meaning: Life or Existence

This beautiful name for baby girls has Arabic origins. It means ‘life’ or ‘existence’ – the perfect choice for a vibrant and joyful little girl.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Alive

Short and sweet, Viva has Latin origins and means ‘alive’. Give your little girl a name full of energy! 

a laughing girl outside in the wind

The most popular boy names that mean soul

23. Atman

  • Origin: Sanskrit
  • Meaning: Inner self or Inner spirit

Atman has Sanskrit origins and means ‘inner self’ or ‘inner spirit’ – a great choice for the little boy of spiritual or religious parents. 

24. Ruh

  • Origin: Arabic
  • Meaning: Spirit

Ruh is a name of Arabic origin that means ‘spirit’. It makes a profound and soulful gift for a baby boy.


23. Neshama

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Soul

Neshama directly translates to ‘soul’, so it had to be included on our list. In Jewish culture, Neshama has deep links with spirituality. 

24. Psyche

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Soul

Psyche comes from the Greek word for ‘soul’. If that wasn’t enough of a spiritual connection, Psyche is also the name of a goddess, symbolizing the human spirit. This uncommon name is pronounced SY-KEE.

25. Seelen

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Souls

Seelen has German origins and means ‘souls’. It’s a unique and profound addition to the list.

26. Vitalis

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Soul or Life

Pronounced VI-TAR-LIS, this uncommon name has Latin origins. It means ‘soul’ or ‘life’ and is a strong name for a brand new baby boy. 

a peacefully sleeping newborn

27. Líf

  • Origin: Norse
  • Meaning: Enduring Spirit

Coming from Norse mythology, Líf is one of the two remaining humans with a soul after Ragnarok – the end of the world, in basic terms! It therefore means enduring spirit and is the perfect name for a strong and determined little boy. 

28. Bion

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Soul or Life

Meaning ‘life’ or ‘soul’, the highly unusual Bion has an ancient charm and is linked with a sense of enduring spirit.

29. Soul

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Soul

Direct and powerful and straight to the point, Soul is a modern name choice that speaks to the heart of being. It’s a very unusual name that works great for a little boy. 

a toddler boy standing on a road looking away

30. Lively

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: Lively

A very modern and contemporary name, Lively captures the spirit and energy of the soul and makes a playful addition to the list!

31. Vitus

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Life

An old name that’s once again gaining popularity, Vitus means ‘life’ and has Latin origins. It’s pronounced ‘VEE-TUS’.

32. Phoenix

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: Rebirth and immortality

Representing rebirth and immortality, Phoenix is a Greek name that’s a strong and powerful choice for a little boy. 

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33. River

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: River

This English name is a beautiful choice for nature-loving parents. It’s linked with the continuous flow of life, making it a serene and soulful name for boys. It’s also sometimes used as a name for baby girls.

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A boy fishing by the river
  1. Enzo
  • Origin: Italian
  • Meaning: Ruler of the household

Enzo has Italian origins and means ‘ruler of the household’. It represents the soul as a leader – a powerful addition to the list. 

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35. Aidan

  • Origin: Irish
  • Meaning: Little Fire

This traditional name has Irish origins and means ‘little fire’. It’s linked to the soul’s spirit and inner fire. 

36. Zephyr

  • Origin: Greek
  • Meaning: West Wind

With Greek origins, this uncommon name means ‘west wind’. It’s a great soulful name to give to a baby boy; it’s linked with the free spirit of the soul. 

a boy with the wings


Each of these 36 names carries a unique link with the soul. They offer a wide range of options for parents looking for a name with a deeper meaning.

Baby names that mean soul or are associated with the soul in some way are the perfect choices for spiritual or religious parents, or simply parents who want to pass on the strength and resilience of the soul to their baby boy or baby girl.

Still looking for inspiration? Check out our list of nature-inspired names, baby names inspired by color and vintage baby names.

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